Thursday, April 14, 2022

June 2022 Hike-in Campout

Practice your primitive camping and wilderness survival techniques June 10-12 when Troop 2000 camps at Red Oak Cabin in Matsell Bridge Natural Area. Access to this cabin is hike-in only, about half a mile - so users must carry in (or roll in a wagon) their supplies and gear (including water).

Scouts and adults can expect a 4-5 mile hike on Saturday afternoon -  if you need Second Class req. 3b, bring a compass and this map, or if you need Camping Merit Badge req. 9b4, pack up all your gear for the weekend, and get ready to backpack!  If you want to work on the Wilderness Survival Merit Badge, req. 8 - build a shelter and stay in it overnight. (Staying in a tent or the cabin are also options, but nights in a cabin do not count as a night of camping for rank or merit badge requirements.)

The cost is $35 for Scouts and $25 for adults. Sign up by June 3 using this link:

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...