Sunday, July 9, 2023

Wisconsin Submarine Overnight Trip, Oct 13th - 15th


Troop 2000’s October outing will be to Manitowoc, Wisconsin to visit the Wisconsin Maritime Museum and to spend Saturday night sleeping aboard the nation's most completely restored WWII Submarine; the USS Cobia

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Kent Park Campout, August 11th - 13th

 Our August campout will be at Kent Park located 3 miles west of Tiffin on Highway 6. This will be a joint campout between Troop 2000 and Troop 270 on campsites #2 and #4

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...