Tuesday, August 9, 2022

2022 Fall Camporee


The fall Southern Prairie District Camporee will be held September 23-25 at HHCSR near Central City. Scouts are encouraged to join other Troops from the District for a two-night camporee with activities on Saturday that include: rock wall, BB guns, tomahawks, lashings, cooking (solar oven), and archery. This is also the fall campout that we'll be inviting Webelos to get to know our Troop prior to their spring crossover.... so let's have a good showing at this event!

2022 Eagle Cave Campout

Troops 2000 & 270 are going to Eagle Cave in Wisconsin from Nov 18-20. We will be sleeping in the cave and meals are provided (we don't have to cook this time). The cost for this will be $90/youth or adult. To be guaranteed a spot, you must sign up by September 11. If later than this, it will only be if there is still room (this is a popular venue that is booked quickly by other groups).

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...