Tuesday, August 9, 2022

2022 Eagle Cave Campout

Troops 2000 & 270 are going to Eagle Cave in Wisconsin from Nov 18-20. We will be sleeping in the cave and meals are provided (we don't have to cook this time). The cost for this will be $90/youth or adult. To be guaranteed a spot, you must sign up by September 11. If later than this, it will only be if there is still room (this is a popular venue that is booked quickly by other groups).


Activities for the weekend include: exploring the cave (bring old clothes that will get very dirty), game room, golden nugget trail competition, scavenger hunts, hayrides, bingo, campfire, and a night hike.


Since November 18 is a ICCSD no school day, we will meet at the First Christian Church at 3pm on Nov 18, please pack a meal you can eat for dinner on the way - food served Friday evening at the cave is only a snack. We should arrive there at 6pm. For more info on what Eagle Cave is like, please click this link


To register, visit: https://forms.gle/zTjGfiji5HhXTcSH9

Deadline to sign-up, Sept 11. No refunds after the deadline - but you could find another scout to take your spot.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...