Saturday, September 26, 2020

October 16-18, Belgum Grove Campout

Update - Belgum Grove Camp Out pushed back one week!

Take 2 at an attempt for a social distanced camp out will be the weekend of October 16-18 October 23-25 at Belgum Grove (Bur Oak Land Trust). The main activities will be hiking, seed collection conservation opportunity, and a surprise activity on Saturday. Cost for the weekend is $30 for scouts and $10 for adults. Deadline to register is October 11 October 19th. 


Where: Belgum Grove (Bur Oak Land Trust), 3261 500th Street SW(F62), Iowa City, IA 52240 

Activities: Hiking, seed collection conservation opportunity, and a surprise activity on Saturday. 

When: October 23th - 25th. Drop off at Belgum Grove between 5-6pm on Friday. Eat dinner before you come, snacks available for Friday evening. 

What to bring: Be sure to bring face mask, a large water bottle, reusable cup if you want warm drinks, gear for cold weather, plenty of dry clothes, board games, cold weather camping gear. Please see our camping section for what to bring on a cold weather campout. 

COVID precautions: Scouts must occupy a tent on their own, or with someone from their household. Masks must be worn when 6’ social distancing is not possible. Hand sanitizer will be available and usage highly recommended. Council is not allowing carpooling at this time, Scouts will need to be dropped off/picked up from Belgum Grove. 

Cost: $30 per Scout, $10 per adult. Includes snacks, 3 meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. 

What we need: Adult volunteers. 

Deadline: Must be registered by October 19. No refunds after the deadline. 

Registration: To register, click on the following link

Horsemanship MB - Oct 10th


Troop 2000 has an opportunity to do the Horsemanship merit badge from 1-4pm on October 10th. This will be a busy day since we're collecting bags for Scouting for Food that morning. Carpooling is still not allowed, so families will have to provide their own transportation. It is about an hour away at this address: 1875 325th Street, Brighton, Iowa. It will be in an indoor pavilion. So, masks will be required when distancing is not possible. The cost is $10 per scout. Scouts must register by 10/7.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Wilderness Survival Virtual Campout (September 18-20)

Are you ready for a challenge? Think you can complete a merit badge in a 24 hour period? Let’s put it to the test….  Listed as one of the badges for social distancing that could be completed at home, Wilderness Survival Merit Badge will challenge a Scout of any age on survival skills and time management. Join Troop 2000 for a virtual campout in your backyard where you can do any or all of the following (participate in as much or as little as you like): earn Wilderness Survival Merit Badge, work on early rank requirements, work on outdoor cooking for rank requirements or Cooking Merit Badge, and/or Camping Merit Badge requirements.  Coordinated Zoom sessions will be planned for early rank requirements (September 18) and Wilderness Survival Merit Badge (September 19 & 20) - those wishing to work on Cooking MB or Camping MB should connect to a MBC on their own. Share pictures of your adventures to the T2K Facebook page!

Sign-up closes September 12:

September 18 (Friday)

5:30pm Zoom meeting, opening Zoom session

6:00pm Cook dinner outside, if desired

7:00pm Early rank Zoom session first aid (Tenderfoot 4a-b & Second Class 6a-d)

Need 2 Star Scouts that needs req 6 to EDGE teach & 2 deep adult leadership

Sleep outdoors in a shelter of your choice

September 19 (Saturday)

8:00am Cook breakfast outside, if desired

9:00am Early rank Zoom session knot tying (Tenderfoot 3a-c)

Need a Scout plus 2 deep adult leadership to EDGE teach

10:00am Zoom meeting, Wilderness Survival MB req 1-4

11:30am Cook lunch outside, if desired

12:30pm Build outdoor shelter for Wilderness Survival MB req 8. During this time, work on and send photos/videos of requirements 5 & 6

3:30pm Zoom meeting, Wilderness Survival MB req 7, 9 -12

6:00pm Cook dinner outside, if desired

7:00pm Zoom session to show structures built for Wilderness MB req. 8. 

Sleep all night in the structure to fulfill requirement

September 20 (Sunday)

8:00am Cook breakfast, if desired

9:00am Interfaith service.  All who built structures should join - and check in with MBC to verify they slept all night in their structure.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...