Saturday, February 20, 2021


 Troop 2000 has scheduled a Swimming Merit Badge workshop at Diventures, North Liberty for March 28 from 2:00-4:30pm.  This will be a day of completing requirements and not a day of instruction. Scouts are encouraged to practice requirements ahead of time, prerequisite to participate will be completion of BSA Swim Test within the past 12 months. The workshop will be capped at a maximum of 12 Scouts (space and social distancing restrictions) and cost will be $5 payable directly to Diventures. If interested in participating, complete this survey by Friday, March 5....survey includes options for indicating date to work on written portion, or to indicate you already have the written portion done.

Swim Checks, March 6

 T2000 has secured the following date/time/location for swim checks: Saturday, March 6 from 2-4:30pm at Diventures (1895 W Penn St, North Liberty). Any Scouts or adults planning to do any of the following activities should have a valid swim check completed. (Valid swim checks are from within the last 12 months - T2000 last did swim checks at the June 2020.)

Sunday, February 14, 2021

March 26-28 Modified Lock-in and Merit Badge Clean-Up

 Troop 2000 has the opportunity to have a modified lock-in and will combine it with a merit badge clean-up event at Mid-Prairie HSEC, 1592 Angle Road SW, Kalona, IA. This event will be a hybrid offering, some items on-line and some items in person.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...