Saturday, December 7, 2019

January Lock-in

The North Liberty Rec Center Lock-in is scheduled on January 17th   Please register online if you plan to attend. We'll have the pool for the first 90 minutes and then it will be video games, board games, gym use, movies and of

Where:  North Liberty Rec Center

When:  January 17th  9pm - 7am January 18th

Ski Trip on MLK Day

Our Troop Ski Trip will be to Sundown Mountain on Monday January 20th (no school)  
By going on a weekday we are able to get the best group deal on ski rentals and lift tickets. Families are welcome to attend.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...