Monday, October 21, 2019

Cardboard Camp Out Dec 13-15

Put your camping and winter survival skills to the test. We'll be at the Kent Park Youth Camp. Sleep outside or in the lodge, the choice is yours. Build a sleeping shelter out of cardboard.  Note: A night spent outside counts as a night of camping for Order of the Arrow, rank advancement, and Camping Merit Badge purposes. A night spent in the lodge does not count for any of those things.   Deadline to register is Dec 1st.

Image result for winter campingImage result for winter camping

Activities:   Sledding if snow on the ground, games,  shelter building, fire starting, and more.
When:   Dec 13th - 15th. Drop off at the First Christian Church at 5pm.  Eat dinner before you come.
What to bring:  Be sure to bring a large water bottle, sledding gear, cross country skis, warm boots, plenty of dry clothes,  board games, winter camping gear.  Please see our camping section for what to bring on a winter campout.
Cost $30 per scout. Adults are free.  Includes 3 meals on Saturday, breakfast on Sunday, and snacks.
What we need:  Adult volunteers. 
Deadline:  Must be registered by December 1st.  No refunds after the deadline.
Registration:  To register, click on the following link

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...