Sunday, April 21, 2024

Blog Post - Sleeping on a Submarine


Wisconsin Submarine Overnight Trip, October 13th - 15th

We drove to Manitowoc Wisconsin on October 13th and spent the night at the bunkhouse lodge at the Marsh Haven Nature Center.  Before going to bed we ate at Pizza Ranch, which was awesome.  I love dessert pizza.  The nature center was a big building with bunks on the wall. 

It was pouring rain and cold outside, so being inside where it was heated was very nice. The nature center had a lot of stuffed and mounted fish and many many animals.  They even had a gift shop. We left the nature center and went to the EAA Aviation Museum. They had a lot of cool planes and air force displays.

After that we went to the Wisconsin Maritime Museum, where the submarine was.  We got there and had to wait to get into groups.  They told us about the submarine and the history behind others like it and then we had a tour.  

The thing I liked the most on the tour was looking around at all the things, we got to get inside a torpedo hatch, we played with Morris code, learned about the steps they used to operate the submarine.  

We even got told about the haunted stories of ghosts who lived aboard the sub. We slept in the middle area and the beds were all close together and crowded.  We could only take our sleeping bag and water to the sleeping area. You could feel the sub swaying  ever so slightly back and forth during the night. When we woke up we got to tour the museum and play in the water room with a bunch of boats. 

We watched a movie on how the submarine went to war and the boats it sank and recovered.  We then drove home and got back on October 15th. 

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...