Sunday, January 29, 2023

2023 High Adventure: Apostle Islands - Date Survey

Troop 2000 is planning for a 2023 high adventure trip to Apostle Islands National Park in Lake Superior. Trevor Burke will lead the effort in planning for this high adventure. If anyone is interested in helping with the planning and preparation, please contact Trevor.


The Apostle Islands: Along windswept beaches and sandstone cliffs, visitors experience where water meets land and sky, culture meets culture, and past meets present. The 21 islands and 12 miles of mainland coast host a unique blend of cultural and natural resources. Apostle Islands National Lakeshore has more lighthouses than any other site in the National Park System with 9 historic towers on 6 islands. More than 240 species of birds breed in and/or migrate through this archipelago. Many of the Islands offer sand beaches, lighthouse tours, hiking, picnicking, sea caves, swimming, and overnight camping.

More detailed information:

Because Lake Superior can be challenging and unpredictable, this will be a guided trip.

Anticipated itinerary:

Day 1 (Sunday) – Leave NL for location near Bayfield, WI. TBD

Day 2 (Monday) – Day 5 (Friday) (4 nights of camping) - Apostle Islands

  • We will paddle to various islands, visit sea caves, tour lighthouses and of course camp on the islands. All cooking will be done by the troop.

Day 5 – Stop somewhere on the way back - TBD

*It’s entirely possible that we will need to adjust dates in front and/or behind these dates based on the dates the outfitter can obtain our permits. We may not know until March when they start getting permits.


Rough cost per person:

$340 – Outfitter and guides

Food – @$100 + food on the drive

Fuel and Lodging on way there and back - TBD


General guidelines from past high adventures: 13 and under require an accompanying adult to go on the entire trip.


Other information:

  • To keep costs lower, we will be visiting the Islands during the week; costs go up $30 /person/day on weekends. We will also cook all of our own food. (Catering is $59 /person/day, which we can cheaper)
  • Kayak equipment and instruction is included in the outfitter cost. A detailed list will be provided, but I’m assuming that means life jackets, paddle, skirt, and possibly dry bags.
  • Equipment list that you will need to provide will be sent separately, but would be similar to most campouts, except keeping things small, light and only what’s necessary.
  • Because the trip bookends with weekends, we may be able to extend the trip to see or do additional activities depending on interest.


If seriously interested, please complete the following survey so we can figure out what dates work best. Group sizes are limited to 18, preferably 15 people. An official “no refund” sign-up will be forthcoming. 

The survey will close on Friday 2/3 so please fill it out as soon as possible.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...