Sunday, October 3, 2021

November 12-14, Webelos Invitational Campout 2021

Troop 2000 will host their Webelos Invitational Campout 2021 for local Arrow of Light dens to experience a fun-filled camping experience. All Webelos II (or any boy in 5th grade) and parent(s) are welcome to see what Troop 2000 is all about and experience the patrol method in action. Scouts and webelos will work through a series of skills stations, participate in a group service project, and learn more about Scouts BSA Patrols and Troops. The majority of the Arrow of Light Scouting Adventure can be completed at this event.  By teaching/leading the Webelos, Scouts have the opportunity to complete several rank (Tenderfoot 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d; Second Class 2b, 2c, 3g; and/or First Class 3d, 7a, 7b) requirements and/or Communication Merit Badge requirements (6 or 8). If interested in teaching/leading any of these rank or merit badge requirements, email justin.meyer@live.comTroop 2000 needs several adults and scouts to participate in this all-hands-on-deck event in order to showcase our troop well!


Where: Marr Park, Mary Marr Lodge, 2943 Highway 92, Ainsworth, Iowa 

Activities:  Group service project, skill stations, patrol method learning and cooking.

When:   November 12th-14th. Meet at FCC at 5pm on Friday to carpool, eat dinner before you come, snacks available for Friday evening. Return Sunday morning.

What to bring:  Be sure to bring two face masks (in case 1st gets wet/dirty), a large water bottle, reusable cup if you want warm drinks, gear for cold weather, plenty of dry clothes, board games, cold weather camping gear.  Please see our camping section for what to bring on a cold weather campout. Health forms A & B and copy of an insurance card are required for each Scout, Arrow of Light Cub Scout, and adult in attendance.

Cost: $40 per Scout, $20 per adult.  Includes snacks, 3 meals on Saturday, and light breakfast on Sunday.

What we need:  Adult volunteers. 

Deadline:  Must be registered by November 6.  No refunds after the deadline.

Sign Up:

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...