Monday, August 23, 2021

September Archery Campout

The September troop outing includes both Archery merit badge and an opportunity for service to Cub Scouts! September 17-19 we'll be staying at Falcon campsite at Howard H. Cherry Scout Reservation. Also happening at camp that weekend is Operation STEAM - an event for Cub Scouts. We'll be running the archery range for the cubs from 9-3. Whenever it isn't busy, we can shoot. We'll also be able to shoot after 3. Hopefully, those that want to work on the merit badge will be able to shoot the targets they need that weekend. We'll also cover as much of the other material as we have time for and will be able to wrap that up later as needed.

If helping with or taking Archery isn't your thing, other stations will need help during the day. The best part is that service time during the day will count toward rank advancement!

The cost would be $30 for scouts and $10 for adults.

Sign up deadline: September 8th

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...