Tuesday, April 6, 2021

May Climbing Campout


The troop will be traveling to Savanna, Illinois May 14-16, 2021. We will be working on the Climbing merit badge through a 6 hour program on Saturday.
The Troop plans to carpool (masks required in the car); everyone should eat before departure (5pm Friday night at the church). Cost will be: Climbers - $95 per scout, $65 per adult; Non-climbers - $30 per scout, $10 per adult. Participants that had Scoutbucks charged for the original date in September 2019 will not need to pay again - if a Scout paid and can’t attend this time but another scout without a previous sign up participates, we can credit the Scoutbucks back.

Scouts not on the previous signup for this event will first need to complete merit badge requirements 1 a, b,c and 2 (will plan a Zoom or park meeting for this).

This will be capped at 20 climbers, so register now. The latest you can sign up is 4/28. Meal plan discussion and final instructions will be at the 5/9 meeting.

The slots for climbing are now full. Any further sign ups for this campout will be base camp only.

Here is the link to register: https://forms.gle/QhARVcD9peJCwLRK7

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...